More than just an IT service provider
Our global customers and their way to success

Electronic partner monitors the delivery duration of shipments to specialist retailers and markets in the buying group using the EURO-LOG ONE TRACK cloud solution
Zum Anwenderbericht The Case Study
Electronicpartner uses ONE TRACK shipment tracking

The EURO-LOG data platform manages real-time communictaion between Volkswagen Group plants, suppliers and logistic service providers.
Zum Anwenderbericht The Case Study
Intelligent supply and transportation control at the Volkswagen Group

With ONE TRACK Shipment Tracking and the "VitoTrack" app developed by EURO-LOG, Viessmann and its customers can track any of their shipments at any time, enabling enigneers, installers and other…
Zum Anwenderbericht The Case Study
Transparent logistics processes for air conditioning engineers, installation companies and construction firms

Viasit Büromöbel GmbH uses the Track & Trace System From EURO-LOG AG to monitor its transport consignments from order receipt through to customer delivery.
Zum Anwenderbericht The Case Study
Transparent routes and mobile status checking in real-time

Thanks to the IT Solutions of EURO-LOG, Bell has standardised, digital detection and logistics processes at its command. The SCM platform from EURO-LOG provides a foundation for communication and data…
Zum Anwenderbericht The Case Study
BELL SCHWEIZ AG standardises delivery processes and optimises container cycles

For managing the movements of loading equipment between companies, ALPLA introduces the Container Management system from EURO-LOG.
Zum Anwenderbericht The Case Study
Cross-company transparency for container movements

Balluff uses a standard monitoring system for the delivery times of its global transports.
Zum Anwenderbericht The Case Study
Global delivery time monitoring with long-term archive

Logistics service provider beeger switches to a cost-effective and straightforward system for collection and delivery scanning.
Zum Anwenderbericht The Case Study
Cost savings thanks to the mobile track logistics app

„With the help of EURO-LOG we achieved our goal, transparency over the entire transport network, in a very short time. Within one year a ROI was ensured.“
Armin Bergbauer, CIO Germany & Senior Director Application Development Europe,Ingram Micro Distribution GmbH

„The combination of container management and app helped us to make our container management processes simpler and shorter.“
Thomas Kraft, Managing Director Logistics, HYDAC Verwaltungs GmbH

„By integrating ONE TRACK into our website, our customers can be specifically informed about a shipping via e-mail alert.“
Hondo Santos, Director Logistics, Balluff GmbH

„The smartphones are much more cost-effective than our previous hardware. In addition, the app has been well-received by our drivers since it is very intuitive and easy to use with the clearly understandable icons.“
Frank Reichert, Branch Manager, Beeger Internationale Stückgut Logistik GmbH

„Mobile Track enabled us to reduce our costs and save on the time and effort of our employees.“
Roland Gigl, former Managing Director, GS Frachtlogistik GmbH