Transparent delivery times through smart shipment tracking

Using the ONE TRACK cloud solution, ElectronicPartner is able to answer customer inquiries about the current delivery status immediately, thereby improving customer support.

Track all shipments in real time with ONE TRACK and control delivery time

ElectronicPartner is one of the largest trading companies for consumer and household electronics, IT/multimedia and telecommunications in Europe. The group has around 5,000 members, including EP: specialty retailers, MEDIMAX specialist stores and the technology network comTeam. ONE TRACK processes an average of around 50,000 search orders per month relating to consignments or packages.

With the ONE TRACK central dashboard, customer service, sales and logistics employees can call up the current status of a delivery with just a few clicks. ONE TRACK automatically checks for new status updates from the service providers for the consignments. The cloud solution brings together different statuses from all the transport service providers used, whether CEP (courier, express and parcel) carriers or forwarding agents at home and abroad.

Instead of manually looking for the current status on the respective websites of the transport service providers, ElectronicPartner can see shipment details via a single, central data platform and filter or evaluate them according to certain criteria. The clearly-organised dashboard enables company employees to gain an overview of the current status of a delivery at a glance.

Evaluate service providers objectively

ONE TRACK offers extensive and detailed evaluations of the delivery rates. In this way, delivery can be assessed at regional level. ElectronicPartner specifically breaks this down into German postcode areas, but the function is also available for other European countries. ONE TRACK thereby shows in which regions the transport service providers used are performing well, but also where they are weak. For ElectronicPartner, this results in an optimised approach towards the selection of service providers and the negotiation of contracts. As a result, shipment times can be sustainably improved, which in turn has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.

Shipment-specific alerting and web apps

ElectronicPartner employees access ONE TRACK via web access and can set up shipment-specific notifications that provide information about both progress and deviations. They also have the option of using certain filters or categories via web apps. For example, it can be used to check whether all premium shipments have been delivered on schedule. This transparency forms the basis for an objective comparison of delivery data for all transport service providers.

Key elements of the project at a glance

  • Transparent shipment tracking using real-time data
  • Web app technology for monitoring all shipment processes
  • Alignment of different status updates from the various transport service providers
  • Individually configurable notifications
  • Objective assessment of the delivery rate of the transport service providers employed
  • Higher customer satisfaction through rapid access to information when investigating shipment status


Download the ElectronicPartner user report as PDF

EURO-LOG Contact for ElectronicPartner

Alexander Klein
Team Leader Sales Industry & Logistics

Am Söldnermoos 17
85399 Hallbergmoos-München

Telefon: +49 811 9595-103
Telefax: +49 811 9595-199


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